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Program Assistant

Program Assistant

Summer Program to Advance Leadership in STEM (SPAL)

Dates: July 7-August 18; SPAL students arrive July 8; Program Assistants will attend 3-to-4 short planning meetings prior to the official start of SPAL

Ten students selected from the incoming class will participate in the Summer Program to Advance Leadership in STEM (SPAL) to prepare them to be leaders in science and engineering. SPAL students will take a writing seminar and Math 161 and participate in a variety of short modules that introduce them to many science and engineering fields, the campus, and Easton. The students in SPAL are assisted in their academic work and campus life by three Program Assistants–one assistant focused on their writing course (WA), one focused on their math course (SI) and one focused on their residential experience. All three Program Assistants help to support the co-curricular and other programming throughout the six weeks of the program.

This is a full-time (36 hours per week) position. The Program Assistant will:
  • attend the course they assist,
  • meet regularly with instructor of the course they assist to coordinate their work with students,
  • perform the usual duties of a Writing Associate or Math Supplemental Instructor,
  • coordinate study hours (WA meetings or SI sessions) and be available to help students with their work,
  • collaborate with the other program assistants prior to the start of SPAL and during the summer  to develop some of the programming events
  • participate in all modules and events of the program,
  • with the Resident Advisor and other Program Assistant, plan at least two small extracurricular programs per week, and
  • act as an academic mentor and role model to the students.

  • Previous experience as a WA for the Program Assistant helping with the Writing course
  • For the Program Assistant helping with the Calculus course, previous enrollment in Calculus with excellent performance is required; advanced coursework in mathematics is a plus
  • Must have a valid driver’s license and by the beginning of the program be an approved driver by completing the College’s driver education program

A stipend of $2500 paid in multiple installments during the program. The other compensation includes room, board, and participation in our other programming.

Feel free to contact Dr. Wendy Hill via email

Lafayette College assures equal employment opportunity in all its personnel policies which will be administered without further regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability; and further that no employee shall be subjected to harassment by any other employee because of these factors. (Policy adopted by Board of Trustees April 1983)