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SUMMER 2024 SPAL Residential Program Assistant

Summer Program to Advance Leadership in STEM (SPAL) 

Residential Program Assistant (RPA)

 Job Description 

Dates: July 5-August 16: RPA moves in July 5; program students arrive July 6; SPAL Program Assistants will attend 3-to-4 short planning meetings prior to the official start of SPAL

Program: Ten students selected from the incoming class will participate in a summer bridge program to prepare them to be leaders in science and engineering. Students in this bridge program will take a  “W” course and a math course [Math 161] and participate in various short modules that introduce them to many science and engineering fields, the campus, and Easton. The students in SPAL are assisted in their academic work and campus life by three Program Assistants–one assistant focused on their writing course (WA), one focused on their math course (SI), and one focused on their residential experience. All three Program Assistants help support the co-curricular and other programming throughout the six weeks of the program. 


Duties: The Residential Program Assistant (RPA) is a student staff member responsible for the assigned residence hall area. The RPA reports to the Faculty Director of SPAL and the Director of the Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education, Professor Wendy Hill, and is supported by the Office of Residence Life. The RPA will work with the other Program Assistants and College staff to foster a residence hall environment that supports the mission of the Office of Residence Life. The RPA articulates the philosophy and policies of the Office of Residence Life and the College to their residents and, in turn, represents the needs of residential students to the administration. The general responsibilities of the RPA position are: 

Community Building 

To support students' overall success, the RPA strives to establish and maintain an atmosphere within their hall conducive to study, sleep/rest, and positive interpersonal interactions. Therefore, the RPA  must: 

  • Establish and maintain a positive relationship with students in the program
  • Lead floor meetings to discuss floor happenings and updates
  • Advise residents within the limits of their training and capabilities on personal, academic, and informational issues
  • Identify students in need of specialized help and refer them to the appropriate College agency
  • Attend the weekend off-campus events
  • Organize and implement at least two programs per week in cooperation with the other two  Program Assistants that focus on academic/intellectual, social/community building, cultural awareness, and personal development issues designed to assist in the development of the total student participating in the program.


Residence Hall Management 

The RPA will assist the Office of Residence Life to maintain an orderly and safe living environment. Responsibilities in this area include: 

  • Familiarizing yourself with and adhering to the administrative functions, policies, and general  information contained in the Resident Advisor Manual, Student Handbook, and Housing Contract
  • Living in residence nightly for the entire program and serving on duty nightly during the first three weeks of the program. During the remainder of the program, occasional off-duty nights will be allowed with prior permission from the Faculty Director of the SPAL. While on duty, the RPA is responsible for responding to emergencies, identifying and reporting safety and security concerns within their buildings, checking out equipment, and addressing any other resident needs that may arise.
  • Taking immediate and appropriate action in response to all violations, emergencies, and/or safety  and security concerns within the residence halls
  • Actively encouraging a respectful and welcoming environment. The RPA facilitates the creation of “community standards” with their residents and addresses behaviors that negatively impact the residence hall environment.

Administrative Responsibilities 

The RPA completes various administrative tasks and assists with various office projects throughout the program. These duties include: 

  • Being in residence each night throughout the program.
  • Meeting regularly with their supervisor
  • Assisting with check-in and check-out
  • Submitting regular reports, entering and following up on work orders, and completing paperwork  as directed
  • Disseminating information to residents on a regular basis and as directed
  • Being available and responsive to students and College staff via room phone, email, and campus mail.


The RPA will participate in an orientation session with the Director of SPAL prior to the beginning of the program. 

Eligibility Requirements 

  • Must have previous experience as a Resident Advisor at Lafayette College.
  • Must be currently enrolled as a full-time student at Lafayette College.
  • Must have a valid driver’s license and, by the beginning of the program, be an approved driver by completing the College’s driver education program
  • Must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 when hired. This minimum cumulative average must be maintained throughout the term of appointment. Semester GPAs that fall below the minimum average may result in employment action.
  • May not be on any level of probation at the time of appointment. Should a Resident Program Assistant receive a disciplinary sanction at any time after appointment or during the period of employment, their position may be terminated, or other employment action may be taken.
  • Must be prepared to prioritize the RPA position over all other areas of activity (with the exception of academic work). Once appointed, involvement in other forms of employment, major leadership positions, or other sizable time commitments must be discussed and approved in writing in advance.


  • Single room at no cost
  • A meal allowance
  • $2500 stipend

HOW TO APPLY:  Please send a resume and cover letter to Dr. Wendy Hill,  Director of the Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education  at




Feel free to contact the Director of the Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education, Dr. Wendy Hill  (


Lafayette College assures equal employment opportunity in all its personnel policies, which will be  administered without further regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age  or disability; and further that no employee shall be subjected to harassment by any other employee  because of these factors. (Policy adopted by Board of Trustees April 1983